Saturday 22 January 2011

The end of what could be the most terrible week of 2011

Everything has gone wrong. No literally. Everything.

I had an exam on Monday, and I KNOW I failed that.

I went to Seminary/Mutual on Tuesday, and I just wasn't made to feel welcome by half the youth

I had a meal out on Thursday...and was totally ignored by the people I was with. They glared at me for ordering a dessert and a drink, they shut me out. They dropped me off home, cos they wanted to go out. I honestly don't know why I was invited.

I was at work last night and I randomly started bleeding and I had to rescue a child from Polish

...And to cap the worst darn week ever...Something fell off the top shelf at work and hit me square in the face.

And I'm in the library sat 2 seats down from 3 noisy-as chav girls.

Honestly, I've had just about enough.

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