Tuesday 11 January 2011

It's funny...

..When it comes to my blog, I can write a lot, and think nothing of it, but when it comes to coursework and homework, I cannot think of a thing to write! D: Right now, I'm trying to do the commentary for a re-cast. I hate year 13 :) I mean, there's so much work, and every subject expects you to drop everything and do everything in their subject, but we have 3, and there's no possible way we can do that for everything!


Plus, I have Seminary. And work. And it seems like it never ends, I don't feel like I have a break (Insert hysterically said face here). If uni's worse than this, I'm glad I'm not going. Could I do Open University? Could I motivate myself? Nope.

Went to the dentists yesterday. I have a cavity! Worse - I have a cavity each side of my mouth! AAAAH! So she's making me keep a "diet diary". Everything I eat or drink, I have to note down in that dumb notepad. Needless to say, I now carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with me - everywhere! I don't want a filling - It involves needles, and I intensely dislike those. I mean, I know it's better in the long run, but eeeeeeek!

Also, the ONE person on this Earth, who I thought would not ignore me, is. Ouch.

Enough of the darn bad.

Sunday after Church, I went round a friend's house, and we made a playlist for a friend, and we're gonna go round theirs, and tell them we love them and stuff :') We also had a fireside, and there was a competition, and even though my team lost, it was so much fun!! And have been texting a guy for like the last two days, and he's nice. Shame he's 4 years younger than me.

The school is offering a year 13 trip to Auschwitz. I've applied, but I bet I won't get it. They only take students they like, and I've had too many altercations with a teacher. Plus I need to ask one to be a reference. Eeek.

All in all....A mixed beginning to the week, let's hope things get better. As always, God Bless.

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