Monday 17 January 2011


EEEK! I have an exam today, and to say I'm nervous is an understatement! I am so not ready for it!

I'm sat in my school library (again) with my iPod, trying not to panic, and failing epically!!!!

On the brightside, I have a major sugar rush going on. Me and a friend went to the local shops in our free, and got cake, chocolate, crisps and a sandwich. What a good start to the diet, Donna.

My family have had chicken for dinner every night, and to be honest, I'm a little sick of it. So what kind of sarnie do I get from Tescos? Yup. Chicken Caeser.

We had a really valid point made during a talk at Church yesterday, and I've totally forgotten it, hopefully, I can edit this post, to include it, when I remember it.

Speaking of yesterday, I phoned one of my friends yesterday that I haven't spoken to for AGES! Seriously! And it was really odd, like I was sat on my bedroom floor, catching up on some Seminary, when I had the overwhelming urge to call this guy, so I phoned my Bishop, and asked for his number, and called him. He said he's gonna come to Ward Conference, and if he doesn't, I will in ALL honesty, just cry. This guy is amazing, he's stopped me doing some pretty stupid things, and he's always encouraged me to do the right thing, hopefully, I can do the same for him, and others.

Right, I'm off to revise Othello and speech features. This could be fatal. God Bless

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