Friday 3 December 2010


Yeah, I haven't updated in a while, terrible, I know, and I'm sorry.

The roadshow was fantastic, we didn't win, (it's fixed!!) Ilford and Southend won. I got a Krispie Kreme from Ilford. Nom! And then I found out an Ilford boy had been at the concert the same day as me, and he'd seen me. What a way to meet someone.
"Hi, I'm *****, and I saw you Thursday."
Was odd, I tell you!

So I went to a dance, and missed my SuperSaturday lesson (you cannot fathom how much this upset me). There was a guy there from Southend, who's really sweet. He asked me to dance, and we had like a 2-second dance before I had to go home.

And I'm so bored of drama! The subject and the thing itself! Like, in our class, one of the girls moans about me moaning. Hypocrite? And I wasn't moaning, but one lesson on a Monday does seem pointless. I had an idea, and it was presented, and then people just swore. Charming! I can't wait to leave my Sixth Form. Really, I can't.

We had Stake Conference last weekend! It was great! 3 of my friends were sustained to get the Melchezidek (sp?) Priesthood. Which means they'll be going on missions soon - OH SNAP! They're like, 3 amazing people!! 2 years without them?! I struggle after 2 weeks!!

I stayed over at my stepdad's house 2 nights in a row (I'm going for a record here!!) Silly boy's only broken his arm. I can't say much, I did the same in January. I can't wait til I have furniture and I can move in! Life will be SO much better! They have food. I have dry coco rocks. I must get some milk. Like NOW!

I'll write another post if I think of anything else, but thanks for reading my drivel (although, one man's trash is another man's treasure, you might value my thoughts) and God Bless


  1. I like reading your thoughts. They are the perfect mix of familiar and foreign, since I too am LDS, but I am also American and puzzle over the British slang. However, I do know and frequently use "Oh snap!"

    Best wishes from Utah!

  2. Whereabouts in Utah do you live?
    I'm glad you understand the LDS terminology I'm using - but by the same token, I don't mind explaining it. What British slang don't you understand? I hope I clear things up! :)

    Best wishes to you too.

  3. Where do I live? Well I live at a magical place called BYU, cradled by the beautiful Rocky Mountains. I'm actually from around here too.

  4. You're in BYU Provo?
    WOAH! what are you majoring in?
