Friday 31 December 2010

New year, new you?

In highlight of the new year that is upon us, and thole whole "new year, new you" thing that everyone is saying...Why wait til New Years to change who you are? Why not change when the opportunity presents itself?

I was at my mum's partner's cousin's on Christmas day (yeah that was complex enough to read...try living it!!) and me and the family got talking. It seems to us, that in England, amd somehow across the world, that the media focuses on the negative things that the youth of today do. After thinking only slightly about this, I have come to realise that the media do this, as fear sells. It's as simple as that. You cause someone to have an irrational fear of something, and you can bet your bottom dollar that you can profit from it. Regular people don't care if I go to Church, or if my cousins would rather stay in with my aunt. They don't care if there's been a rise in kids stopping smoking or drinking. They only care in the NEGATIVE!! Yes it's important to inform people, and yes it's important for people to be aware of events that can be dangerous. But the only GOOD things newspapers, and other media outlets publicise regarding youths are the extraordinary things that not all youths can do. Do you think my local rag cares that my Church youth went singing? NOPE!! But do they care that a bunch of kids hang around, causing a nuisance? Yes. Do they report on the amount of kids going to Church? No. Do they report on a child sailing around the world? Yes.

It's a shame that normal youths aren't given credit for their skills. It's a shame the minority ruin it for the majority.

Rant over.

I feel so blessed. Simple. Yes, my mum's ill, her partner needs physio, and his daughter is ill also. Yes, I potentially have arthiritis. And yes, I've recently been hit by a bout of insomnia. But I feel blessed. In those wee hours of the morning, when there is no one else awake in the house, and there is an abundance of silence, I think. And things that didn't make sense to me last year, suddenly seem so obvious. I feel..not smarter...but wiser. More knowledged. And it's a blessing.

Happy new year everyone!!

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