Thursday 16 December 2010


I can't guarantee I'll post again before Christmas, and if that's the case, Merry Christmas to you all!

We have our sixth form review tomorrow (prepare for TOTAL humiliation!!) and my friends come home from BYU in the next week! (aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I've missed then so much!!). Plus tonight I NEED to write out my Christmas cards. And get rid of this headache. And figure out SOME chav makeup.

Last night I had about 12 hours sleep. Tonight I'll be lucky if I get 5. Stupid last day of stupid term with stupid staff telling me I'm below track in stupid drama and stupid English. I'm up a grade in English, so how am I falling behind??

AAAAND my ex is talking to me again. I miss him, and I still like him, but after everything that happened between he and I, I don't want to go back. I know it's mean, but we weren't meant for each other, at all. He's a great guy though, and I wish him the best.

We had our Stake Carol Service on Sunday, t'was AMAZING!! There's a sister there (like a sister on a mission) who has an opera voice. Jealous, me? Nope. Actually...A hint. But that's not like an envious "I want to be able to sing like her!!" it's more like a "I wish I could sing half as good as her!!"
And there's a missionary here, called Elder Siddiqui, who's an absolutely LOVELY man, and oddly enough, he's serving in the same STAKE as he's from. He was in the Spain Malaga mission, but came closer to home, due to health reasons. Hopefully he stays near-ish to Romford.

I wish everyone a fantasbulistic Christmas, and God Bless you!!

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