Saturday 4 December 2010

And so.

And so, it seems, Christmas is once again round the corner. I don't mind Christmas, actually, I quite like it. I just don't like the fact that I'm exceeding my overdraft by like the 20th of December.
The best bits about Christmas are, in my opinion
  • The advent calender (Yes, I'm almost 18, but I don't care. Advent calenders MAKE Christmas)
  • The Coca Cola advert (if you haven't seen it, YOUTUBE!!!
  • Being able to randomly burst out with "IT'S CHRIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!" (in the honour of the song)
  • The Christmas parties
  • The presents (just not wrapping them!!)
  • Secret Santa
  • Being able to stuff yourself silly with TONNES of food
  • Spending time with your family
  • And, of course, the birth of Jesus Christ, and remembering it
DID I FORGET?! Two of my Ward members come back from BYU like a week before Christmas! We seriously need like a BYU London campus!!

Is anyone else organised with Christmas this year? I know I'm not. Like from my ENTIRE Christmas gift list, I think I'm poor And work the entirety of January to get out of the red.

But on the upside, I get to go to the Temple on Tuesday, and it'll be my FIRST TIME IN!!!!!!! Like seriously, I'm not sleeping on Monday night. I will be like a child at Christmas. How does everything revert back to that festive period?

Anyways, I better be off, I have a reading assignment to do. But before you stop reading, if you're ever feeling down, check out Psalm 139. It helped me through some tough times.

As always, but that doesn't make it any less sincere, God Bless

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