Friday 10 December 2010

Oh, yes.


Like seriously, my breath was taken away!! It's so beautiful, and you can really feel the Spirit there!!
AND one of our missionaries is serving in like Grays, and he came to Basildon, and gave me a lesson (well...him and his companion) and we were talking about Patriarchal Blessings, and it was SO COOL!

AND like, the SECOND Taco Bell in the whole of England opened the other day in Basildon, so me and my best friend (which ever one feels like going) HAVE to check it out.

I have a work Christmas party tonight. And currently am suffering from a cold. This'll be interesting!! aha, plus we have Secret Santa, and I think I've figured out who has who. But I won't tell if you won't ;)

Well, I'm off. God Bless to you, and I hope you have a fantabulous day!!

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