Sunday, 14 November 2010


so, I went to a concert last Thursday. I was a little sick afterwards :/
But still, it was my first concert, and it was to see the one, the only Linkin Park! I have NO idea who the opening act were. Some ravey random group. LP, however were awesome. I was kinda close to the front (Close enough for Chester Bennington to LOOK at me!), and I was caught in a mosh pit. I escaped with a few bruises, but I'm lucky, it could have been worse. Much worse. I saw someone with a busted nose. Ouch.

I was invited Wednesday night by a friend. And I pay them back after Christmas. So I don't go bankrupt before that :D

Also, there's a dance in a week. In Ipswich. Sorta hoping it's a good one :) And then a week later there's another dance. In St Albans. I've only been asked to dance once, so this should be interesting. Still, it's been a while since my last dance, and I know more people now. So I'm a little excited!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Hrmm. C'est la vie, I guess. Everyone gives you advice, and you're confused, because your heart is going one way and your head is going the total opposite direction. When you follow the advice, you end up heartbroken. When you don't, you feel like a disappointment. Sometimes you can't win.

But today, I was walking home from college. Tell a lie, I was actually walking to town, to do a favour for mum, when I had a moment of inspiration. Seriously, it stopped me in my tracks.

I'd posted on Facebook about a week ago, that I wanted to be the "Canary with grey on her wings". It hit me today, that I am being a Canary with grey wings at the moment. Let me explain.
In the Church, we have magazines, and the Youth Magazine is called "New Era", and one of the articles was about a woman who had 3 canaries. Each one was as beautiful as the last. 2 had beautiful yellow wings, and the last had grey flecks on his wings. The woman died, and left her Canaries to the man who wrote this article. I think it was Thomas S. Monson, or Gordon B. Hinckley. she said the grey-winged Canary, although looked different, sang just as beautiful as the others, if not more so.

Which got me thinking. the bird stood out from the others for it's physical difference. In these latter-day times, it's important that we stand out for our differences, our values. Acting in a Christlike manner will get others asking why. Why don't we drink alcohol, smoke, do drugs? Why don't we believe in sex before marriage? Why do we dress modestly, and cover our shoulders?
It's even more important that we have answers, and a testimony to bear to those who ask.
I don't want to sound like a preacher. And I'm sorry if I do. This is just what came into my head today, and I couldn't wait to write it down!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The things that be.

So, recently, my church has been getting ready for a thing called "roadshow". All the churches in our stake perform in it, and so we're getting our performance ready. It's GREAT! (I can't give too much away in case the other teams are on! But I WILL write about it later) But it was a little liberating to wander around my church in Ugg boots and pyjamas.

Today we had drama. I mean in college, as in the subject, but yeah, drama is generally a daily occurrence. On to the subject. We're doing a pantomime. Oh. I can't sing, I dance like I have two left feet, and I'm playing a bloke. I swear - this has been SO typecast!

For English, I've read (in the last month) 3 chapters of Wuthering Heights (would've read more, but you'll see why I didn't) Animal Farm, half of Jane Eyre (I'm getting there!! Patience), and I'm working on 1984. I gave up on Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Plus I'm reading the Bible, for Church, and for strength. AND I'm working my way through Stephen King's art, known as "IT". Excellent book. Not for the squeamish though

Friday, 5 November 2010

Well hello there, there, there first blog. I guess I'll be using this as a journal of sorts. First, allow me to explain the name I've given it. "Thoughts of an Angel" is supposed to represent the view that what everyone has to say is important. I am by no means a traditional angel, I have no halo, nor wings, nor do I sing with other angels, (unless you count the Salvation Army LNE gospel choir Straight Ahead - They truly are angels!) but the point is, everyone is an angel. Yes we do things wrong, and we mess things up, but we're still angels.

Well, uhm, I guess I should explain a little about me. I'm Donna. I'll be writing in this from time to time. Hopefully people who know me will read this, but if you happen to stumble upon this by accident, then hello! I'm currently studying Law, Drama and English, I live in England, but really REALLY want to go Stateside, even if it's for a holiday! That would be AWESOME!

Another thing I guess you should know. It may not seem like anything major to you, but to me it's so vital. I'm Mormon. I'm a convert, so yes, there are things in my past I've done that aren't all that great (I won't divulge...) It doesn't change anything about me, except that it (hopefully) makes me a nicer person. I am by no means perfect. I don't pretend to be. I have a short temper sometimes, and sometimes run my mouth without thinking. But I try to be as good a person as I can.

I guess I'll be posting on this when something major, or even something I find cool, happens. If my sense of humor isn't the same as yours, sorry :)